AusIMM survey reveals recovery in mining employment

AusIMM survey reveals recovery in mining employment

The resources sector is returning to full employment health, according to a survey by the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).

AusIMM’s 2018 Professionals Workforce Survey recorded a resources sector unemployment rate of 2.6 per cent, a figure less than half that of the Australian average and 11.5 per cent lower than the 14.1 per cent figure in the resources sector in 2016.

There’s a ceasefire in the US-China tariff war and Aussie mining stocks are loving it

There’s a ceasefire in the US-China tariff war and Aussie mining stocks are loving it

News that the US and China has called a 90-day ceasefire in their escalating trade war has been a bit of a shining light for several ASX-listed small cap miners after months of pain.

US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping over the weekend agreed to place new tariffs on hold for the next three months while they continue talks.

The White House said President Trump had agreed not to raise US tariffs on $US200 billion ($271.5 billion) worth of Chinese imports from the current 10 per cent to 25 per cent on January 1, 2019 as previously planned.

Western Australia leads rise in exploration spending

Western Australia leads rise in exploration spending

Mineral exploration is trending up, with 3.6 per cent growth to $561.4 million in the September quarter, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

This represented the industry’s highest level of spending in five years. Spending was also up 25.7 per cent year on year.

Mining committee calls for royalty reform for Australia’s regions

Mining committee calls for royalty reform for Australia’s regions

A government committee report has recommended a series of steps be taken to ensure mining wealth is more fairly distributed back to regional Australians.

The report, Keep it in the regions: Mining and resources industry support for businesses in regional economies, has suggested the federal government implement ‘Royalties for Regions’-style programs — similar to one in place in Western Australia — that would see mining royalties reinvested across various states and territories.